Kurt, Johanna, Kassia, Lukas and Matthias

Our family in Papua New Guinea | 2012

Ukarumpa and Aiyura Valley

Ukarumpa is SIL's center of opperations in Papua New Guinea and where we live and work.

Miniafia New Testaments from the dedication in 2010

ԇod is a Miniafia Man,Ԡthe loincloth-clad speaker exulted! Ԃefore He was English, and American, and Australian. But today He has become Miniafia!ԍ

Doini Island

Photo by Tim McIntosh (SIL PNG's boat manager in 2008) | Many of the 100's of islands in PNG can only be reached by boat.

Children from Nubwageta village

Where do you play when you live on an island?

Miniafia New Testament Dedication

New Testament dedications in PNG usually include elaborate processions to welcome the Bibles.

Sunday, February 5, 2006

February 2006 Update

Dear friends and family,

We are back in Dallas after spending three whole weeks in Colombia with my family. Kassia had a great time getting acquainted with her grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. It was hard to leave them, but I think it was harder for them to see Kassia leaving!

(In front of my parent’s house in Bogota with some of my extended family)

We now have our quota for living in Papua New Guinea (PNG), a figure less than what we needed to live here in the US! As a result, now we are at 45% of what we need for PNG instead of 30%. Praise God for this!

God is always faithful. He has provided Kurt with caring and understanding employers. Recently Kurt’s employer allowed him to have one day a week to work on developing our financial support.

We had mentioned earlier that I needed to have my wisdom teeth removed. Well, while we were in Colombia I was able to have that surgery done at a fraction of what it would have cost us in the U.S. I had hardly any pain after the surgery and just a bit of swelling for a few days. Now I am back to normal!

During our time in Colombia we were able spend one week with my brother-in-law, a marine biologist at the beautiful fish hatchery where he works. Kurt was also able to visit Lomalinda, the place where he was born and spent most of his first 18 years of life. We thank God for this time of rest and wonderful family memories!

(Above the fish hatchery)

During our time in Colombia we celebrated Kassia’s 1st Birthday! It is hard to believe that a whole year has already gone by. We thank God for the beautiful gift He has given us in her! She is happy to walk around holding on to daddy or mommy’s hands. She also loves crawling around and getting into everything. She has recently begun trying to sing “Happy Birthday to you”. We love her. We pray that she will be able to trust Christ as her savior at an early age.

(Kassia taking a tub bath and celebrating her first birthday in Colombia)

We want to let you know that you are continual source of joy and encouragement to us as you so faithfully pray and stand with us financially. Let us know how we can lift you up in prayer. Please continue to pray for us. Lord willing we are planning to attend the August Pacific Orientation Course in PNG. Pray that the Lord will go before us and provide for our partnership development. We know that all of this will be done in His perfect timing and in His perfect will.

In Him,

Johanna (for Kurt and Kassia)


Blessed be God!
Missionaries are people concerned about people. Relating to others in the love of Jesus will bring them to His feet! More and more families will exalt His holy name. We see Kurt, Johanna and Kassia as a missionary family!
Love, Mel and Many

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